Thursday, July 29, 2004

Thankfulme..the great explorer with great findings

Ohh..ohh...lupa nak cerita about my exploration last week. I was exploring do I say this without sounding like a control freak...Okaylah!..Okaylah!...I was exploring my husband's handphone!!!! Don't ask me why...I won't go into details...but I discover something that makes me smile till today and looking him in a whole new way with doey eye..and whatever mushy thing they call it lah...He has a folder in hi Inbox especially for all my SMS that I have sent to him.. *****sighhhhhhhhhhhhh.....**** macam sweet ,kan? Are you guys sighing along with me??? I have been floating in the air ever feet never seem to actually touch the ground. It makes me feel cherished and all the tears and anger seems not to matter. The power of love and affection stills WOWW me. He might not be the perfect man..but he is perfect for me. Read somewhere that bila you bercinta, you tutup sebelah mata, and bila you kahwin, you are suppose to tutup dua-dua belah mata...I guess that is kind of true..not all the way la..ada certain things that we have to give and take.
Dulu masa baru kahwin,aku selalu wonder, what my life would be if I married my ex BF...Allah SWT is great..he answered my question.The eye opener came when my Dad passed away. My husband was there, angkat my Dad's body, lovingly, he sat next to Abah and recite a whole juzuk of Al Quran. That moment, I knew he is THE ONE for me.....and if you ask me when is my MOST THANKFUL MOMENT, ...that's the one. (Oh, lupa nak mention my ex BF was Chinese.)
To my husband, M.A.H.M.I...I love you with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life! -quote by Elizabeth Barret Browning. And for that...I am THANKFUL.

A week's update

Life is so very the hectic this week!!!! I can't believe I manage to drag myself through it. I have been neglecting calls and emails hellos from friends. Please pardon my rudeness. Dah la Performance evaluation pun this week. Going to Bangkok also err...tomorrow. HARRAMAAKKKK! I haven't pack..I haven't change money..I need my luggage from Adik!! * Breath in..Breath out..breath in...breath out...****
My week started badly with a slight fever and puking and bloating and perging. Funny, I don't get all this sickness during my pregnancy but with 3 bijik cempedak goreng I got all the morning sickness symtom.... My floor started to speculate on pregnancy AGAIN!! Oh well, whatever...Aku kerja jugak sebab macam segan nak ambik MC on that I was, moping around the floor..melepek...
Tuesday, Wednesday...breeze through without a trace..Thanks to Actal supplied by Ruba.... with Account Managers walking in and out with more wrong information. Albert is for ever blur..rasa macam nak tokak kepala dia, ludah masuk dalam toilet and flush...but how do you that to a person who wish you to have a nice day???!!!
I will have to pen off here and carry on with my task..I'll see you people next week. Please doakan no birds or ayam sneeze kat aku and gang di Bangkok nanti.
Today, I am thankful that I have survived another week of pain in my own shoes. I am thankful Amir dah pass main Level 1 Prince of Persia and he stops bugging me to play it for him. Am thankful for "Friends" VCD so that I can watch them over and over again. Am thankful May got a translation job with Microsoft...Thankful that I am genuinely happy...happy..happy..happy and thankful.

Saturday, July 24, 2004


Ramai pulak yang masuk hospital minggu ni. Zurie kat Ampang Puteri, Ayra di Selangor Medical and Sara di Seksyen 9. Semalam masa visit Ayra, she lost almost 3 kg, nampak kecut je sebab dehydrated. Jeff looked stressed. I would have hugged him if he is my own cousin...well..he is my marriage tapi kena sendiri ingat la, bukan budaya kita. The boy next to Ayra cried when the nurse came to ***i have no clue what she did..tapi ada bunyi macam hissing sound. Air mata aku dah nak keluar dah dengar budak tu nangis, tapi sebab ada ornag keliling aku buat kayu je la..kalau Amir, aku dah melalak dah kot. Sara dah balik rumah, kesian dia, masa birthday party dia pun she looked very sick. Zurie, as usual sakit pun boleh buat lawak dia. Macam tak sakit..tapi sakit..
Betul la, sakit tu adalah untuk mengingatkan kita to be very thankful. I am thankful that Amir is a very healthy boy..naughty..but healthy. Aku pun Alhamdulillah, the only time merasa masuk hospital masa give birth kat Amir dan masa operation ectopic last year. 
Okay, I hope to have a good weekend this week. Esok pagi ada delivery of 40 helium latex balloon, no clue on how am I going to manage, tapi Insya'Allah everything will be well. Malam ni jumpa Kak Cik kat rumah Jit. Malam ni hopefully Mas or Nurul terkeluar....

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

The warrior in me..

Semalam neighbour aku kena rompak. Kurang ajar betul all these penyangak. Aku tengah dok tengok Gilmore Girls and talking to Herney on the phone at the same time when I heard the scream. aku jenguk dari tingkat atas and saw a guy dok menggawang-gawang pisau. Lepas tu neighbour lain started to scream and that man went off. Bila mangkuk tu lalu depan rumah I tried to get the plat number tapi nampak WKE je. Mungkin gak dia pakai plat palsu. Kalau tidak penyangak tu kena beli buku "Penyangak For Dummies 101".I ran down and told B. By the time dia keluar neighbour lain dah ramai yang ada. Dari siasatan laki aku yang telah menuju ke tempat kejadian, that lady baru balik, parked her car outside. As she was coming out from her car, a guy came with a motorbike. Being cautious, dia masuk balik and locked the door. Mamat tu berhenti konon nak tanya jalan. When she ignore him, dia bukak helmet and whacked the mirror. Pecah berderai cermin kereta tu. Then he started to threaten her with the knife.
Dalam sibuk semua neighbour dok kecoh, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye balik. He called the police and within less then 5 minutes depa sampai. Tak tau la sebab device baru yang Polis dok pakai tu membuatkan mereka lebih cekap atau sebab Tan Sri yang call. 4 bijik kereta police datang. Belum lagi SB SB yang naik kapcai. Amir was having a field day as he is forever facinated with police car especially when the lights are on.
Malam sebelum tidur, aku dok imagine, kalau la masa kejadian tu aku baru balik, in the car, driving by, apa akan aku buat? The warrior in me said, kita langgar the mangkuk hayun and save the day. Dibuatnya mamat tu turn and serang aku? Or if he died bila aku langgar dia? Harramak...Camna ni?...Kata si pengecut in me, Kita hon kuat-kuat bagi penyangak tu terpekak dan alert orang lain. He might still turn and serang me..Then aku boleh langgar dia and plead self defense. Jeng..jeng...okay..I'll settled for that. Mesti bangga Tok Nenek Bugis aku sebab cucu dia berani. Fatihah untuk mereka yang telah tiada.
Lastly, today I am thankful that I was not in my neighbour's shoe.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Thank you..

Dear Fahroe, thank you for putting up my link in your blog....I feel so honored that you actually spend some time to read my thoughts for the day. You too Adik. I am so thankful that someone out there thinks I am quite special;p
Hari ini ada visitor dari CCAM datang untuk melawat our workplace. Rasa macam ikan kat Aquarium Langkawi la pulak. Kalau aku hidupan laut, sah-sah aku jadi dugong. Takde contestant punyelah.! Dah ramai jugak orang datang visit sini, dari Telco Vietnam pun ada, Maybank Airport Malaysia dan a few others, dah lost count dah. Dan tiap kali diaorang datang, tempat aku macam spotless. Habih tak jumpa carik barang...tension betoi.
Bought new tickets for the Barney Show already.The good available seats hanya on weekdays pagi. Demi Amir, aku beli aje and applied for leave on 03/08/2004. Tiket lama dapat jual kat Shila's office mate. Anything goes, as long as I can spend some quality time with Amir. If I go, I want him to remember me as a cool mother. He is becoming more like me...semalam Opah dia cakap kat our helper to potong kepala ikan's how the conversation goes, " Imas, kamu potong kepala ni sebelum goreng" said Opah Amir sambil tunjuk kat kepala ikan kering. Tiba-tiba ada suara sumbang dari belakang, "Jangan..jangan...jangan potong kepala Amirrrr..." Huh? Helper aku gelak sampai tersandar kat pintu. Aku pulak macam speechless sebab lost camna he can come to that conclusion. Opah dia dah merah muka la gelak. ****sighh** Amir..Amirr..Priceless moments in my life...for that I am thankful.

Monday, July 19, 2004


Lesson learned today...nasi campur and milo ais does not blend well together. Jenguk keluar tingkap dari Level 11 ni ke luar, cuaca agak terang..malas lak nak jalan gi Central for lunch.Panehhh..ala ala lilin gitu, lagipun sorang..lagi boring. So gi Food Court KLCC. Tak serik serik akan kemahalannya. Aku ambik satu telur rebus, half telur masin & sepotong nenas. Rm 5. Errr...kira ku tolong bayar sewa la kot. Whatever la asal convenient to me. Lepas makan baru beli air...air milo nampak lazat semacam je...terus beli...combination of it buat aku rasa nauseous. Ni kang mesti budak office ingat aku pregnant lagi. Jawapan biasa aku..."nope..I am just fat"..muka senyum, dalam hati terbakar!!!!! Tapi ada gak advantage dia, bila aku naik LRT, ada orang bagi tempat duduk. Should I be insulted or grateful? I chose the latter.
Hari ni kerja banyak, tapi untuk meceriakan Black Mondayku, aku ambik time off to update this blog. Macam theraphy juga menulis ni.
Tadi pegi Bank nak buat cashier's cheque untuk beli ESOS. Alhamdulillah, nasib baik la ada menatang ESOS ni, boleh jugak tolong aku bayar credit card aku. Lepas ni makcik akan menginsafkan diri dan tidak menggunakan credit card secara berleluasa lagi. Lepas semua ni dah berbayar, aku nak enjoy myself knowing that I am a little bit richer than I used to be...and a little still won't make me buy my Aigner idamanku, yang aku akan beli kalau simpanan ada 5 angka di belakang initial angka pertama. Okay, I had to read that twice to understand that.  x00,000 gitu.
Wish me luck , people..financially. I am thankful today, knowing that ada orang lain lagi susah dari aku...dah la susah, tak sedar lagi diri..lagi la susah..Have a great week ahead of you!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Oh Aigner...

Dah lama bag Aigner menjadi idaman kalbu.Tapi the thought of separating from RM 4K for just a bag yang orang akan still ingat imitation...isshhhh..tak masuk akal...dan hilang akal jugak!!! My mom will give me that sad look , what have my daughter become into...tak sanggup aku bila mama bagi taht dissapointed look. Rasa macam tak guna hidup. Tak pe...satu hari yang tenang, masa duit aku berkepok, kepala gabenor in purple tertonjol tonjol keluar dari poket aku, lepas aku sure zakat semua dah berbayar..maybe I will consider.Jangan kata bag Aigner, bag Prada pun aku beli jugak..siap beli untuk Mama and kawan-kawan lagi..Boleh? Oh and Kak Nab tu!! I promise her Ferragamo sepersalinan. kan cakap merapu ni?Aku dapat free lecture semalam masa kat Boutique Aigner tu.Rupanya Etienne Aigner kat States dulu tu , a company bought the trademark then buat their own product. Originally it came from Germany. The one kat KL ni falls under Aigner where all the goods are made in Italy. Kira yang kat US tu ala-ala korok la.*** satu pengajaran tu. Today pegi meeting Mindef. Quite interesting people I met. Colonel Adnan & Colonel Zainal. Cl Adnan is drop dead funny. Tapi diaorang hidang nescafe O. Harramakk..camna ni? Aku tak minum..tolak pelan je kat Ita suruh dia habiskan..lepas meeting, terlompat lompat makcik tu nak pi toilet. Today, I am thankful my migraine semalam dah hilang. Tonite, kena start dengan projek buat Sara's palm tree from styrofoam. Huh? thought exactly! It's for her coming birthday party...Lilo and Stitch theme...Signing of...

Monday, July 12, 2004

Salah time zone....

Baru notice my very first blog was dated on 11 July 2004...hari birthday aku la tu..rupanya blog aku ni salah time zone. Dah cuba nak tukar tapi macam nak kena concentrate, aku abandon dulu part tu..small matter lah. OH! More things to be thankful colleague kat office hadiahkan wallet Esprit. Perfect timing..perfect gift. Wallet aku yang B bagi as hantaran kahwin dulu dah terkoyak..dia pulak yang tak la rasa guilty. Come to think about it, aku lagi suka istilah wallet dari purse...purse sounds so girl-girl. Macam "auntie-auntie" gitu...memang la aku seorang auntie kepada Ayra, Suraya, Zulaikha, Tasya and Mira ..not to mention Sara and Adam, dll tapi macam tak la ready nak jadi betul-betul auntie...*** self denial***

At the moment aku tengah macam hyper gila...Truffles tu ada alcohol ke hah? Should check the fact later...I cannot even stop shaking my leg..fidgeting jangan cerita la.Aku dah habiskan truffles yang Adik bagi tu. I love the box!!! Aku telah share dengan semua office collegue yang ingat birthday aku.

Another thing to be thankful for.....the BAT job dapat extension!!!! Yayyyyyyyy...gumbiranya....leganya...

****sighh..***I am so blessed..banyak sebenarnya bende to be thankful for..Rasa macam floating...from being thankful or from the truffles...aku tak sure , yang pasti I am feeling very happy at the moment.**Grinning till my head is spinning***

Heheheheh..malam ni akan berusaha untuk menghabiskan the rest of the 9 pages...malam esok, aku boleh tengok Wild Card and Gilmore Girls, then Samarinda......I am so thankful that I was born in this zaman...thankful for Astro and Channel 8....thankful for Ako Mustapha yang buat aku tergolek dog bila dia sengih lopsided smile dia..ok, itu another story of the morning glory..I am rambling dah...will stop so that whoever reads this will be thankful that I stop...

I am thankful....

It was my birthday yesterday...Dah 27 tahun dah...err..for the past 6 years...;p For the rest of the day I was doing the translating job for BAT...naik biol dibuatnya. Conclusion is, I am not very good at this...lucky thing I have a good editor...Should tell her she should not pay us accordingly sebab she's doing most of the job..Erkkk..Pedihnya kenyataan ini.Been sitting in front of my laptop for almost 5 hours..baru page 7!!!! What the HELL!!! Unproductivenya aku!!! Wanted to cancel my birthday dinner tapi macam tak sampai hati sebab everyone is looking forward to it. Pukul 8, Adik kata B is taking me aje.. OKKKKKKKK..something fishy dah ni? Dah la B pakai baju lawa semacam je, siap gosok lagi. Dia pakai baju putih ZENS yang aku beli last month.Wah...gorgeousnya lakiku..macam back up singer M Nasir....(kalau aku cakap macam M Nasir nanti korang kata aku tipu...aku pun rasa yang aku tipu).Kat Sg Besi, aku tanya nak pegi mana, he said balik seremban sebab Kak Nab & Jo dok tunggu. HAHH!!! Biar betul?? Tapi sengih dia semacam aje...Wow..the other side of my darling...Lepas tu he turned ke Jln towards, the Istana Negara..AMPUN TUANKU..sah..bukan balik Seremban..tak kan pi Bellamy kot?? Hampehnyee..Then we passed Jln Bellamy exit to Jln DBP tu, aku tanya lagi..nak gi mana ni? Sengih lagi...iskk..iskk...Tak Tahan Lagi!!! Then he belok masuk Tupai-Tupai...Aku terus teringat kat Adik sebab ni tempat favourite dia. Siap scan the parking lot lagi..cari RIO. Takde pulak...Masuk je tempat tu aku dengar "pstt..psttt...." pusing kiri nampak Lan...oh..aku dah dapat agak dah...tapi masih tak boleh recover lagi keterkezutan...mixed feeling...exited..terharu...touched..sama la tu kan? The food was good...especially the was meant for the kids, tapi mak budak nampak dan mak budak rasa terliur..lalu mak budak makan...Sorry Sabrina, Auntie nampak macam sedap je..lagipun Sabrina sibuk jadi Power Ranger menyelamatkan dunia.
Present aku, Shawl warna biru..Thanks Ida,ohh...jelitanya aku...Truffles from Strudels...sedap gila.., jade bracelet from Ida...thank you...muakhh.., 3 tudung baru dari Mala...I am wearing one of it now..thanks dear...
That's the reason why I chose to start my blog express how thankful I am to have these beautiful people with beautiful heart in my life...Aku tau aku tak perfect, tapi they love me anyway.
Itu belum lagi masa kat kelas last Saturday. May bought me a book on Rubber Stamping..which aku dok drooling over kalau sesapa tengok buku tu dan ada patches air yang dah might not want to imagine or think about it too much...Shila bought me a cheese cake and a mug filled with chocolate...emmmmm... Thanks guys..for being so thoughtful.
Pukul 12 malam, aku dapat 2 kad dari B. dari dulu sampai sekarang, dia akan tetap dapatkan aku kad Hallmark...just because my remark years ago that I love them. Thanks sayang...I know he chose them carefully sebab the wordings akan ring a bell on something that happens between us.*****sighhh*** No such thing as he loves me he loves me not...memang dia sayang kat akulah...
Lepas tu bertubi tubi aku dapat SMS Birthday message. Thanks for thinking of me...Ena, Norman, Ruba, Elaine, Cynde, Andrew..siap buat lawak lagi, Sue, Yatt, Herney,Adik, Fid, Ida, Zurie.......Adik aku sendiri came to my room to wish me..dia pun dok tergolek dog baut translation BAT jugak. According to May, he is progressing well, unlike me..Yeah..I know that...he's smart, tapi malas nak guna tenaga pemikiran aje..
Mama wish me in the morning masa aku dok sibuk baca paper Pancaindera (that's what Sunday morning is all about..the paper I mean..)Oh...siang tu, Mak Mentua aku pun call dari Seremban tu wish me ...fuyooo...menantu hantumu terasa disayangi. She is soo sweet..

Untuk semua yang berlaku...I am so thankful...