Monday, September 18, 2006

Fine aku jiwang?! So sue me!



Stayed in Holiday Villa Subang during the weekend so the kids boleh berendam. Tak sampai 5 minit Amir dalam pool, hujan turun. Ayah dia buat pool kat dalam bath tub instead. Amir discovered the robe and beria-ria nak pakai. In his mind...konon konon dia wrestler. Shesssshhhhh....Arif dicovered that he can control the radio from the bed panel. Did not get the picture of him getting busy with it though.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Le Hunt Langkawi

In Langkawi for the weekend for a Treasure Hunt organized by the company. We flew in to LGK, stayed in Holiday Villa, Pantai Tengah and got a Nissan Sentra for our ride. Smoothhhh....
The Hunt was fun but we kinda got "swayed" into going elsewhere which is not in the trail..Heheheheheheh...
Akibat membaca blog Yasmin Ahmad, we went to Four Season Hotel. Fuiyyooooo...mulut tak boleh nak tutup...bukan sebab dok bercakap banyak tapi sebab terpegun ..We wanted to look for the pool tapi sebab hujan....we got stuck at the receiving area je.
Gamaknya, tempayan ni la yang "patpuluh" orang penyamun menyorok masa nak samun Ali Baba.Well,...maybe smaller but if I am one of the penyamun, I'll need this big of a tempayan.
We disqualified ourselves from the hunt when we decided to go up the Gunung Raya cable car. I was laughing hysterically almost all the way akibat gayat...(terbit air mata). the scare was worth it. The view was totally breathtaking. I wish all my love ones were with me at that moment as I doubt I'll brace myself through that ride again! GAYAT! Arwah Abah will never go through it..I am pretty sure about that.
For the coolest people in my Hunt team, for the fun that I had, for my family who let me have fun without them .....I am thankful.