Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pencapaian hari ini

Due to my own ignorance, i had to waste the whole day kat Immigration. 8 to 8.35 am kat Imigresen D'sara and 10.57am to 3pm kat Imigresen Putrajaya. Masa ambik nombor kat PJ, the time printed on the ticket was 10.57am. Dapat nombor 3038 and they were serving 3003. At 11.30 am they were serving number 3005. #$%^&*...wahhhh...I don't even know that my cursing vocab agak wide jugak.
Tapi, at the end of the day I achieved Level 12 main Bubble Bloom. Mahsyuk gila game ni. Kalau rasa macam nak, silalah download di kat Games Unlimited. Tapi jangan kata makcik tak bagi ni tahap ketagihan dia agak melampau. Senang gila...tak pecah kepala tension. Tapi anda haruslah tidak buta warna.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I am thankful

We held a kenduri last Saturday. Kenduri arwah, doa selamat & kesyukuran. Thanks for the ones who turned up. Yang tak tu, it's ok...mesti ada yang lebih penting. There's a lot to be thankful for. Semua sihat selamat, cukup makan pakai, good friends, good food...etc. I believe true friends will stick by you through thick and thin, being silly together, sharing the joy and pain of life, sharing strength, being there without being present. For my friends who are actually my sisters by choice, you know who you are and I am such a blessed person to have you in my life. I am thankful.
On a happpier note, Arif turned 2 the same day.He is getting cheekier day by day. Loves motorbike...his latest passion is his drum set..present from Auntie May. When she asked me what to get him and I said " Anything that annoys us will make him happy"..I did not mean THAT!!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Double take...

*Sighh*** My heart skipped a beat. After that it did a sommersault.'s a sign I am in trouble. The last time it did that was when I saw my hubby (my then ex boyfriend) at Sheri's wedding. ..Look where it got me now. 3 kids and 7 anniversaries.
You think I should get it? I think I should.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Adopt A Turtle

Adopted a turtle today at Bodyshop KLCC. "It's a collaborative conservation effort between Department of Fisheries Malaysia (DoFM), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), The Body Shop, Media Prima and Aquaria KLCC to rehabilitate the endangered turtles and terrapins"
Named the turtle Pink Cumulonimbus. Hope it's a girl turtle,kalau tidak kesian dia kena kutuk dengan turtle turtle lain.
Pink C will be micro-chipped and released to the sea. The sales girl told me that I can monitor Pink C movement, whether he/ she travelled to Australia ke, Bangladesh ke....Untuk apa aku monitor movement dia , I have no clue but it sounded quite cool eh?
I was hoping to adopt a leatherback turtle, since I have actually seen one kat Terengganu dulu...tapi it's not available for adoption.
Actually I only wanted the tshirt je. I am a sucker for all this statement tshirt...tapi since it's for a good cause..
So congratulate me the next time you see me cause I am now a proud parent of a turtle..Does this means A*ir, A*if & Ak*if have a turtle as their sibling? Errrr???