Thursday, February 24, 2005

Biru yang berharga RM 134

Bought four paperback romance novel at Times late last week on impulse.I was feeling quite blue due to the silent war that has been going on for a week.Belum start baca the silent war ends....darn it!!!That cost me RM 134! Double darn! And I saw a few books that I know thatI want for my collection...Elizabeth Taylor and her jewelery collection,The Greatest Romance on Earth and a book on the royalties of South EastAsia. Aiyoo..whylah they have to be so expensive! Can claim tax, kan?Can claim from Flexi oso...Yea!!!!! For that , I am thankful! Oh...andthankful that the silent war has end. Penat duduk diam....and orang tengah, My Amir asyik bagi wrong info...Mama said "Amirrr...PanggilYayah makan"...message yang disampaikan "Yayah, Mama kata Yayah nak makan Amir".... Huh???@#$%^&* ( Must be from his side of the family)....I am thankful for that oso....;)