Monday, December 04, 2006

So and so...

I volunteered for M**** Community Bridge yesterday at Malaysian Blind Association. Entah kenapa everytime when I am pregnant, I tend to nak volunteer. Masa Arif dulu, I volunteered for the Tsunami Drive dengan PBSM. Oh? Did I tell you that I am pregnant? Yeah...I am pregnant. 22 weeks kot. Konon nak buat surprise macam Azah...tapi she's somewhere across the continent while I have to meet you guys every other months....camna nak sorok? Besides, I wanted Fina to be in the lime light.
There you go....Phew!!! Lega...
Anyway, the event went well. I was suppose to be the usherer for the contestant...tapi sebab terlalu ramai volunteer, I was ushering the usherer la pulak. We pretty much don't have to be involved sebab the 3rd party people was doing an excellent job. My fren got to usher Datuk DJ Dave, Freddy Fernandez and siapa tah lagi sorang....I pestered her to pass my resume to Freddy to pass to his brother...Nyehh..nyehh..nyeh..kidding..kidding!!! Entah apasal 'tah, cam teringin nak kerja ngan Air A***. Maybe nak match the tshirt dengan my new Crocs Sandal kot.
About 5, I think because of the heat (and tak lunch), i almost passed out. Nasib baik ada one girl urut tapak tangan, for blood circulation or something and it worked. I drove myself home..with the help of Fruitella and Mentos.