Wednesday, September 29, 2004

It's 7. 14 pm

And I am still the office. Had to request for a bill adjustment of RM 2,451.41 due to wrong contract takover. My Boss is going to freak out. **Urggghh..
Ever felt like packing your bag and leave? ***sighhh*** That's how I felt at the moment. I need to break free. Kak Nab called ajak pegi Jakarta during Christmas. Tempted? Of course!!! RM 49.90 from JB. What the heck..just drive to JB la..Hubby dah green light...dia pun dah speechless, malas nak kata apa..ikut je lar...
What about the trip to Aussie next year. Geezzz...can I afford it ke? Sounds tempting though, pegi dengan clown clown CPRian tu. Ida & Fid dah sure baby sitter bertauliah...hehehehehe..
Learn a new word last week.." pendebungaan"... That came from Norimae, my ex college mate kat ITMT dulu. He was wishing another ex college mate, Zafrul sebab baru kahwin. I thought it was hillarious. Been using it a lot in my e -conversation with Arie and Wawa.
How I wish Arie & Wawa are back together again. They seem to match and mismatched at the same time. Arie the serious chap and Wawa the care fee. They can be funny when they are cranky. And Boy they can be cranky..dah la tengah dok ganti posa. Oppss..that reminds me, I haven't ganti mine. Errkkk...
I am ending this with a thankful note, that I have a family to go home to..that I am not the one who is driving in that trafic jam..sorry Baby...Muakhh...

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