Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Feeling blue...

I am feeling blue.. why do they say that? I think blue is a wonderful colour..Imagine a clear blue sky. Cantik, kan?
My hubby just called asking what is baju melayu mata lalat? Huh?? Telur mata kerbau aku tau la.
Mala called and she is beginning to feel comfortable at her new place.
Sewa 1 booth di Flea market kat BSC is RM 120. **Gulppp***Compared to the one in Ampang baru RM 20.
Sighhh*** I have nothing in particular to talk about....it's all about nothing and everything. People got Monday blues while I get everyday blues...
Nak makan tapi macam takde perasaan..tapi lapar...
More complain about the new service launched. But these mangkuks tak ikut instruction. Rasa macam nak rejam diaorang dalam toilet bowl and just flush them away. wonder where they will timbul.??Hmm...something to ponder..

Hmm....today being the cranky me, I am thankful that I am here.

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