Monday, May 08, 2006

Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup

Sunday. Came back late morning from J's & A's place. Mama attending a kenduri with big bro. Adik out for brunch with friends.Hubby going out for lunch with his BF cum GF, Az. A wants McD. Ask hubby to tapau for us. 2 beef burger and 1 Happy Meal Nugget for A. Wanted to take a cat nap for 20 minutes which turn out to be 2 hours instead. Woke up hungry. Can feel the beef burger in my mouth aredi. Went down, no Beef Burger waiting as A wallop the whole thing to himself. The nugget Happy Meal plus my burger.

Now I know how Mak Tanjung felt when her son, Pekan wallop her portion of telur ikan tembakul.."batu Belah Batu Bertangkup, ambik la aku, makan la aku...aku kempunan nak makan Beef Burger McD"...muahahahahahahah!!

Okay...the drama is over...I went to Picnic food court today for McD Beef Burger but end up eating Spaghetti Olio at Milano Pizza instead. I am thankful for the choice's I have. Kesian kat mak Tanjung...dia takde choice. And A said sorry...he actually have that guilty look on his face. For a 5 years old to feel guilty about eating his mommy's lunch...I am I must have taught him right, somehow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

burger..dari kecik sampai anak dua fav food kawan aku nie burger.. teringat kita makan burger kat dalam kelas ehmm...sodap