Monday, March 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Amir & Akif

Amir & Akif was born on the same day, 6 years apart. Miracle? Tak lah...I got to choose the date because it's a C-section. Akif was suppose to be borned on the 24th March 2007. I told my gynae, Rilek la Doc, it's only 3 days apart..we can wait. She gave that dissapproving look. if i don't know planned birth are done 3 weeks before the actual birth date.

"Mat Kacau" is 2 years 9 bulan tapi sebab he insist it's his birthday too, we let it be his birthday jugak lah...kesian kat dia.

Lepas tu sessi main belon pun kidsss...angau dapat belon. Kat mana nak tumpah kuah kalau tak ke nasi..

My Megat Pyloric Stenosis is walking now..kengkang..but walking..

Arif lagi kelakar, sampai pukul 12, the balloons are still in his possession. Naik kereta tolak keliling sitting room with the balloons attached to the car.

Now you see him....

Now you don't ...

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