Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Birthday is officially over. Dapat 32 birthday sms from friends & family. Thank you all. Mizuan even have a reminder on his phone. Agak significant jugak rupanya aku ni.
Letih dah jadi 27 tahun…dah masuk 8 tahun dah ni. I think I’ll move up to 28 next year. Please remind me to do that next year.
Solat Maghrib kat Yatt’s place last night. Went through her watch collections. Coach, Tag, Omega, Bvulgari, and a few others…tetiba terselit Follie Follie. The one I have been eyeing for a while but to chicken to purchase.Mahal tu babe! It’t the one that you can change the straps..Yatt’s has 5 straps…black, baby blue, pink, red, green and errr..satu lagi tak ingat. So being friends for 21 years ( I sat next to her in Form 1), roommates in ITM and friends forever, I am entitle to cajole her using my famous Hush Puppies face and pretty pleaseee.. to buy it from her at flea market price. Hey! It’s my birthday after all!. And I am also giving her my new Chanel lipstick yg dia pakai masa wedding dia…fair tak? Don’t have to answer sebab the watch is mine!!!
Balik rumah, I got something in the mail. I got a website template CD from May as my present. Thank you..aku memang nak benda tu..Thank you so very much! After this I shall develop a new template for

Moral of the story…”Every cloud has a silver lining”

For all the silver lining in my life…I am thankful.

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