Monday, November 08, 2004

Me and my Gardenia

Buka puasa nowadays can be very EXPENSIVE. RM 75?? Makan apa tu? And how much can you actually eat? Macam aku ni minum air je dah meleret senyum…satisfied. Unless kalau lauk terhidang masak lemak ikan kering, udang masak sambal petai dan ayam goreng masak merah…macam last weekend kat rumah Zurie, that’s another whole different storylah…
Back to the RM 75++ buffet tu…what do they actually serve la??? Once my former boss belanja we all for buka puasa kat Mandarin Oriental. It cost RM 60++ per head. Ada kambing bakar, sushi , nasi dan lauk, sate…bla…bla..blaa…tak ingat oh..and one heck of a dessert spread.
Those used to excite me…not anymore.
Tadi aku buka puasa makan fresh white Gardenia bread dengan susu pekat…
Mannnnn….that was the ultimate kesedapan….
For that dirt cheap taste bud …I am thankful.

1 comment:

Fahroe said...

Wah.. gardenia dengan susu pekat. Aiseh lama tak rasa nih. Pulak tuh kalau roti benggali (yang besar tuh) steamkan, sapu mentega and susu pekat. Laaaagiii sedap :)