All girls trip this time was really amazing. This is like the ultimate holiday. All 9 of us was on a Caribbean Cruise vacation that we’ve booked since early this year . It was filled with royalty treatment, non stop activities, fabulous dining, rocking night life, relaxing on deck or at a world class spa. Everyone came prepared with parios and large hats with huge sunglasses. Macam film star okeh..! From the moment we felt the wind on our face…caressing us like …****PANG****
Ok, I just slapped myself so I can come back t the real world.
Tak la…the girls trip tahun ni kitaorang gi Bandung lagi. It was still so much fun.
The famous Marini (selalu dengar cerita tapi tak pernah jumpa) joined us this time. Kesian dia..mesti lost as we laugh like hyenas at jokes yang tah hapa hapa, sometimes we laugh for no apparent reason. She must be thinking what a bunch of loonies. Tak pe’s ok…memang we are a bunch of loonies pun. And laughter, it’s infectious. And don’t mess with us when we are hungry….boleh gelak sampai lebam.
The plane was late…siot betull..Rumah Mode dah bukak tau!….So we were there at the lounge, trying to kill the time…debating on whether the 2 famous Fernandez are siblings. Are they? The company supplied us with nasi lemak..saja la nak bagi hilang angin satu badan tu.
So, flight yang scheduled at 9.50 jadi 12pm. Banyak masa shopping yang kerugian okeh. But takpe…janji it’s a holiday..janji I am with friends who are as retarded as I am. Janji boleh makan flight food walaupun sekadar maggi mee RM7 satu bowl.
I am not sure what time we reached there. The ever loyal Hendry was there waiting for us. Siap ada lagu background “Right Here Waiting for You”..Over tau!
Our first stop was obviously Rumah Mode..Didn’t change much except for the cafĂ© yang makin meriah. Bagi mendapatkan tenaga, we decided to eat first..Ya la..this is Amazing Race after all ok…tenaga amat perlu agar tumpuan sharp dan tepat. The food was good…I liked my Mee Ayam. I liked the one in Kedutaan Indonesia in Malaysia better…tapi it could be sebab aku pening kepala so makan pun macam kena biasa biasa je.
Habis je makan, Amazing Race yang pertama pun bermula. Masing masing hilang membawa arah masing masing. Takpe when it comes to shopping semua orang agak pandai membawa diri.
First day shopping je dah cam gini:
Second day punye cam gini:
Marini dok hangkut barang barang ke bilik sendiri. Bilik aku kira macam pit stop la..or distribution centre.
Diaz...this is like 1/10 dari kedai...Muntah tengok bag:
Eh? Perlu ke nak buat chronicle of Narnia on the trip..Boleh tak aku pendekkan ajer…Let me tell you the one’s I like most la…
I love the hotel room. Ada loft. If Pak Room service tak datang betulkan aircond, mesti aku ingat aku kat New York.
I love my fake Balenciaga…RM40 je. Sungguh chenta. Sorry no photos...kesian ada orang jeles. Kita tak boleh riak dan takbur, nanti kang ada bala pula yang menimpa.
I love Beyonce’s concert in the van. Body dia amat gorgeous…amat bergetah..and the jokes about it, let’s make it a private joke. Malu lak den. Thank you.
I love the dinner we had kat ..apetah nama tu..but the food was good.
The Scrapbook King shop..kedai scrapbooking where I got my birthday presents from the gang. Pilih sendiri okeh..
And I especially love all my friends on this trip. Adik even surprised us with a birthday cake. How sweet is that? Tapi memang kesweetan itu tidak dapat diexpresskan sebab too tired and stress on how to mengemas all the things that we've bought. Thank you Dik...You are the best!
Gambar Misc:
Fid yang tak sabar sabar nak sampai. Rindu kat Haziq la tu.
Bag yang takut dicalari akhirnya duduk di bawah kerusi jugak. Kalau beli kat KLCC, nak jeling pun tak boleh tau..
Mala, the famous sifu packer..." semua lipat kecik kecik, jangan bagi ada angin..".