Thursday, May 22, 2008

Maid nak balik bercuti for Dummies

Do you know that you’ll need a kebenaran from Kedutaan Indonesia? Do you know how to go about?

Now you will.

Pagi pagi, lepas breakfast….Monday to Friday, sila ke Kedutaan Indonesia di Jalan Tun Razak. If you are from Sg Besi, the building will be on your left hand side. Lepas aje the overhead bridge for pedestrian depan RHB bank tu, keep to your left. Terus je sampai nampak Building warna putih.. Wait …all three building kat situ warna putih…aaaaa….the one yang next to Passage to India restaurant.

Masuk je pintu pagar, akan ada sort of a kaunter borang. State what you need or kalau macam nak control macho and nak jadi ”Mr/ Mrs Know It All”, ambil a borang bertajuk “ Formulir Perubahan Alamat”

I won’t elaborate why you need to isi borang Perubahan Alamat when you actually nak balik bercuti je. I oso donno why.

Dalam formulir tersebut, semua isi tempat kosong perlu diisi. Tapi aku yakin dan pasti semua orang akan terstumble for item 5 and 6.

Ada la seorang pakcik guard kat situ yang tengok aku terkeruk keruk lost, dia pun tolong isikan…
• Item 5 is Alamat pekerja di Indonesia
• Item 6 pulak adalah Alamat Majikan di Malaysia

Document yang perlu ada bersama permohonan:
• Salinan pasport pekerja
• Salinan IC pemohon ( aku punye la since aku yang pergi)
(This is not needed if pekerja comes along)

Then, follow the crowd, ambik nombor giliran dan masuk ke dalam satu dewan menunggu. Wowwww....Acik sungguh imprress. Besar gilaaaa...

Tepat pukul 8.30 am, numbers started to be called. Laju …tak ler macam kat Imigresen yang amat selow melowww..Mellow Barry Manilow aku dibuatnya..I was dumbstruck with admiration.

My number was called lepas 15 minutes of waiting.. the officer tu akan attempt berborak borak kosong, check check the papers & passport, lepas tu you’ll have to wait to be called again. Leave the passport at the counter.

Lepas tu, tunggu la lagi…they’ll call the same number given earlier for you to collect the passport. Sign a slip saying you have collected the passport and they’ll pass the passport to you.

Something will be printed in the passport along with the signature of the Kepala Kantor.

Tu je lah…sungguh takde hassle.

Next month, I’ll need to renew Ani’s passport. It will only take one day…less than 3 hours it seems. Ain’t that cool?

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