Monday, July 12, 2004

Salah time zone....

Baru notice my very first blog was dated on 11 July 2004...hari birthday aku la tu..rupanya blog aku ni salah time zone. Dah cuba nak tukar tapi macam nak kena concentrate, aku abandon dulu part tu..small matter lah. OH! More things to be thankful colleague kat office hadiahkan wallet Esprit. Perfect timing..perfect gift. Wallet aku yang B bagi as hantaran kahwin dulu dah terkoyak..dia pulak yang tak la rasa guilty. Come to think about it, aku lagi suka istilah wallet dari purse...purse sounds so girl-girl. Macam "auntie-auntie" gitu...memang la aku seorang auntie kepada Ayra, Suraya, Zulaikha, Tasya and Mira ..not to mention Sara and Adam, dll tapi macam tak la ready nak jadi betul-betul auntie...*** self denial***

At the moment aku tengah macam hyper gila...Truffles tu ada alcohol ke hah? Should check the fact later...I cannot even stop shaking my leg..fidgeting jangan cerita la.Aku dah habiskan truffles yang Adik bagi tu. I love the box!!! Aku telah share dengan semua office collegue yang ingat birthday aku.

Another thing to be thankful for.....the BAT job dapat extension!!!! Yayyyyyyyy...gumbiranya....leganya...

****sighh..***I am so blessed..banyak sebenarnya bende to be thankful for..Rasa macam floating...from being thankful or from the truffles...aku tak sure , yang pasti I am feeling very happy at the moment.**Grinning till my head is spinning***

Heheheheh..malam ni akan berusaha untuk menghabiskan the rest of the 9 pages...malam esok, aku boleh tengok Wild Card and Gilmore Girls, then Samarinda......I am so thankful that I was born in this zaman...thankful for Astro and Channel 8....thankful for Ako Mustapha yang buat aku tergolek dog bila dia sengih lopsided smile dia..ok, itu another story of the morning glory..I am rambling dah...will stop so that whoever reads this will be thankful that I stop...

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