Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Baby turned 3

Arif turned 3 last 9th June 2008. We had a small do so he can have his own cake blowing. That...and I needed the photos for my blog and scrapbooking.

That precious smile...Priceless.

And Akif perlu la buat that famous pout of his.

I love the cute! Go see the baker's blog. Kat SINI.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Renewing your maid’s Indonesian passport for Dummies

Perkara wajib:
1. Tuan punya badan (no wakil wakil )
2. Paspot lama Tuan punya badan
3. Majikan tuan punya badan...spouse pun takpe.
4. Photocopy of ID of the majikan or spouse yang hadir bersama
5. Photocopy of the passport lama
6. 4 keping gambar bersize paspot latar belakang warna merah
7. RM22
8. Newspaper, a paperback, a portable game, Mini laptop to kill the time.
9. Datang awal. Our number was 154 and we came around 8.15 am.

Nota: If tak sempat nak buat salinan for your ID, passport or gambar latar belakang merah, can do it on premise. Ada booth kat luar, 1 (kat the parking next door) dan 1 lagi right before the kaunter ambik nombor.

Steps to be taken:

1. State your business kat kaunter pintu masuk. You will be given a proper borang to isi (untuk renew paspot, borang warna biru)
2. Isi borang
3. Then proceed to ambik nombor.
4. Then gerak ke dewan menunggu yang ber”air cond” dan amat selesa.
5. Don’t be so gumbira….the dewan menunggu yang amat selesa is only for the tuan punya paspot, majikan kena tunggu kat luar. Even kids oso cannot go in so YOU will have to wait outside ,dengan tempat duduk yg tak cukup dan one miserable kipas yg ala ala sepoi bahasa.
6. Tu yang tak best, yang bestnya…got canteen, and the food is SO sedap & cheap.
7. I tried the Mie Ayam sebab teringat Adik dok cerita that she tried it in BDO. Sedap tahap tertutup mata menikmati kelazatannya.

This time around, the wait was quite a while. ..if you call 5 jam quite a while.I had a paperback with me…managed to read up to page ke 200 lebih in between SMS, phone calls & stretching.

So if you can’t leave your worker there confidently or she does not have a HP to call you when everything is done, then bring something to do. If not, sila proceed ke tempat tempat bershopping tingkap berdekatan agar tak kering dan naik angin di situ tak tentu pasal.

Errr…lepas ni, sapa sapa yang nak pi Kedutaan Indonesia to renew paspot, can I come along? Aku nak makan the Mie Ayam again…Malu la pulak nak gi semata-mata nak makan jer…apa Acik nak cakap kat kaunter depan tu?

This is written based on my own experience. Should you need further, precise information, please visit their website HERE.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Anak lelaki sapa la ni...'sian dia..


SuperMom di PD

Arif..enjoying the fun in the sun..

Uncle Chek, tolong Akif tangkap umang umang..

Uncle Chek's sweetheart, Auntie Ayu..

The brothers

I am the sun blocker...

Mamaaaaaaaaa...I want to go homeeeeeeeee......

The end..

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Crashed & Burned

Motif perkelahan ini adalah to memenatkan the kids so they will nap the whole afternoon. Ni Acik punya idea. Gleefully, we all dok imagine all the three Gremlins terbongkang tertidur kerana kepenatan.I am so looking forward to the peace and quite...tranquility didalam rumah sendiri.
So pagi pagi lagi we all dah sampai kat sini. We can no longer park at the pergigian air, now have to park outside and walk in.
Wahh...pemandangan yang sungguh hening..pagi beb..sojuk lagi..

Bukak kasut...Bismillahirrahmanirrahimm...

Cubaan untuk bersantai di atas batu hampar..

Akif yang mengantuk tapi nak jugak berendam...he is very facinated dengan daun dibawa arus..

My baby sitter for life....

One down...three to go..

Turned out, depa tidoq baikk punyaa on the way home, sampai rumah start berkung tau tiga beradik.
...No plan B as we all teramat la confidentnya plan akan berjaya...siap boleh tulis buku segala...PELAMIN ANGANKU MUSNAH...