Monday, December 17, 2007

I made a wish and you came true..

I love my bigger and it's easier to load in our helium tank. If ada boot sale kat'll be the perfect for it.


Kawan -kawan sekalian,
Apa kata kita pergi day trip to Melaka makan ikan bakar....or a day trip to belakang istana for ikan bakar...anything goes as long as ada ikan bakar...In need of ikan pari bakar...I know that sharing is caring but can I not share mine...hehehehe...I still love you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Sesuatu yang tragis telah terjadi kat aku...Aku telah accidently tershred my lovely shawl given by a friend last year.
I was at the shredder machine. Shred a doc that I no longer needed. The moment I turned I realized my shawl was caught in the machine.
@#$%^&* Erkkk...

Kena gelak guling guling dengan colleagues.

I am still nursing my hurt pride sebab digelakkan dengan begitu hebat.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Just when I thought..

“Aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah dalam tidurmu
Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yang mungkin bisa kau rindu..”

”Seribu senyuman
belum tentu menawan hati
satu jelingan sudah cukup
menimbulkan rasa benci
membina mengambil masa
meruntuh sekelip masa”

Hati, let's just smile and face the world..

Thursday, November 29, 2007

"Agar agar gula merah"

PBB from my L16 office. Hi Baby...can you see me from your Level 8?

Burp ..Alhamdulillah..

Isshhhh...tak sedap langsung...

Tengokpun acik dah sejukkk...

Garage sale

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Killing the time....

The only time he does not flash his cheeky smile is when he is sleeping. Tapi even when he's half asleep he'll flash it if you ask him too. Panjat grill, jadi Pak Long punye weight for exercising his calf muscle, usik his cousin sister sleeping....favourite past time tu..

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Too sweet for me

Guys, remember the Krispy Kreme donut yang lazat yang kita belasah satu kotak (Ida punya) kat airport Jakarta hari tu? This is the ala-ala Krispy Kreme. I like the sugar glazed donut tapi manis dia...boleh migraine acik.
The J Co outlet is in Pavillion, KL.
It tasted better in Jakarta...probably due to the company I had that day. So bila kita nak pergi Girl vacation lagi?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

You tell me..

Tell many M*S Captain yang you kenal snaps photos of sunrise/ sunset from the cockpit to share it with his wife?
Telah ter"restore" my faith in romance. That is so sweeett...
Aku boleh bayangkan Captain Armani Jeans nyanyi lagu "Lelaki Ini" dengan penuh perasaan with the kids lining up as choir kat belakang.
Tapi kalau dia nyanyi depan rumah, sambil mengibarkan bendera Malaysia with the kids jumping around laughing their heads off.... **err...that's another story.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Me, myself and I have done the biggest blunder in my marriage life. I was a wee bit upset with Mr M last week. To let off the steam, I rant and grumble my frustration via sms to a close friend. Guess who I sent it to? To HIM!!!! Aiyooo Tipah!!! What have you done!! Nak tengok muka dia pun malu…The Silent War is silently declared.

I should say I am sorry, right? Well I did. Maybe I should try a bit harder, right?…How hard is hard?

In a way, it was hilarious. But it is more embarrassing than hilarious. At least he knows what I am thinking.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Anak Merdeka

Aku anak merdeka yang lahir pada usia Malaysia 15 tahun. Sekarang masa Malaysia dah 50 tahun, aku dah ada 3 anak merdeka on my own. Aku harap generasi seterusnya akan tetap menjadi generasi merdeka.
post script : I constructed this balloon arch..(kira merdeka jugak tu..dari belenggu kedunguan membuat balloon arch.)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Attention to detail

Taken from Wawa's Honeymoon photos in Hong Kong Disneyland. Bila la pulak aku nak gi sana? Kena mintak quotation dari Smart Travel nih..

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New hobby

This photo has convinced me to take up photography as my new hobby. Thank you Soo Meng (, this picture has sealed my fate (ok drama sikit ler). Thanks to Arman & May for the choice of camera...and the prepared to be my object. Now, I need to look for a sifu. Soo Meng?

Tak suka! Tak suka! Tak suka!

A few green eyed monster was born sebab bag ini.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More pressie

A close friend of mine gave this wrislet bag from LC as my belated birthday present after I tercasually remarked about wanting it. Everybody at the office seems to love it. Tiga orang actually wanted to get it as gift too. FOR THEIR GRANDMOTHER!!!! Huwaaaa....Told Mama and she said it couldn't be that bad...but she cracks up (imagine the YM emoticon yang LOL sampai rolling rolling tu) when she saw the bag. Huwaaaaaa....


OH NOO!!! What have I done!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Didn't we almost have it all?

Didn't they almost have it all?

PRESTON: "Cristina, I could promise to hold you, and to cherish you. I could promise to be there, in sickness and in health. I could say till death do us part. But I won't. Those vows are for optimistic couples, the ones full of hope. I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope. I am not optimistic. I am not hopeful. I am sure. I am steady. I'm a heart man. Take 'em apart, put 'em back together, hold them in my hands. I am a heart man. So this, I am sure. You are my partner. My lover. My very best friend. My heart. My heart beats for you. And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this. I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands, I promise you... me."

Marathon Grey's ended at 4.30 am last night. I am at work now at 10.15am, paying the price. Ngantuknyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............Tapi I officially watched the entire Season 3.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Read on and you'll know why I have this in my blog

It’s time to sing the blues now



WILL my Wednesday and Thursday nights ever be the same again? Last week, for the first in a few months, I didn’t rush home from work to catch the repeat of American Idol with my dad – the season’s over!

Excuse the dramatics, but really, what else is there to do on a weeknight?

I’m not addicted to these shows, but I am suffering from withdrawal. Makes you wonder what life was like pre-Idol, doesn’t it?

Come to think of it, I’ve always been a fan of such TV shows. Even before Astro, I remember sitting in the TV room at home with the family watching shows like Bintang RTM – slim microphones, corny songs and badly choreographed dances that came with it.

And who could forget the hit show that was Asia Bagus! Week after week, my family would religiously plonk ourselves in front of the television to watch the contestants from around Asia compete – Kris Dayanti and Amy Mastura among others.

I’m not quite sure what the appeal was (I still don’t know) but I guess these sort of shows have their secret appeals which is why the are so successful. After all, they appeal to such a broad spectrum of people.

I will never forget the sight of my house a couple of years ago during the glory days of shows like Akademi Fantasia when my dad would be watching the show as intently as six-year-old Adam and nine-year-old Sara, my nephew and niece. These are two kids who barely used to be comfortable speaking Bahasa Malaysia, yet they were singing away to Menuju Puncak (with all the dance moves).

I still remember the first time I heard the word ‘AFUNDI’ as Adam perpetually jumped up in front of me going “Afundi Adam!” and my reply, accompanied by a puzzled look was, “Who’s Afundi?”

But it’s hard to blame him because even I have got caught up with this whole reality TV phenomenon. That said, I’ve only probably followed one or two seasons of Survivor! ever, and maybe a couple of seasons of Amazing Race. Yet, there’s just something about Idol.

I remember when Malaysian Idol was still showing barely a couple of years ago and how I got hooked on to it. In fact, it would get to such a severe conditions that I would have to budget my phone calls to make sure I saved up enough to SMS vote for my favourite contestant.

Sham, a friend of tai che, even helped me out. Working for telecommunications company, she had allocations for calls and SMS. I got her to vote for my favourite – Nita who ended up second runner up in the second season of Malaysian Idol – and it was quite funny to receive a message from her one day going, “I spent the whole day voting for Nita. Feel like my thumbs going to drop off.”
Of course, that message was in the form of an SMS.

I’m still unsure of what exactly is the hook to these shows – is it the performances, songs or the drama. Yet, what is nice to note is that shows like these transcend geographical boundaries.

I followed online the Australia Idol show a couple of years ago when I watched a few episodes while I was Down Under for holidays; my friend in Britain used to message me weekly with updates on Pop Idol and I have arguments with people in the United States on why I thought Blake Lewis should have won the most recent American Idol.

Closer to home, I love how it gives us city folks and those in smaller towns something in common – reality singing contests locally, whether its Idol, One In A Million, Astro TalentQuest or Akademi Fantasia for example, enjoy great ratings and its contestants have fans all across the country.

Perhaps its true then what they say about music, in that it speaks in a universal language and appeals to everyone without prejudice. The different people who have won the contests – Vince Chong, Jaclyn Victor, Mawi – are testament to that.

Now, if only I can find something else to feel good about to deal with my addiction ? er ? I mean, withdrawal.

Article published in The STAR on Saturday June 2, 2007.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Hari ni makcik pakai baju birthday present. Baju dan scarf baru. Rasa amat jelita.Maklumlah "kejelitaan adalah hak milik setiap insan". Thank you kengkawan...yang memberi, comply to my taste lak tu. Kalau ikut taste korang, harus baju ada ropol ropol,feminine feminine...jenuh lak aku nak control ayu.
Yes..I am 28 last Wednesday. After 8 years being 27, I've decide to be 28 this year. To all, thank you again for the well wishes and pressie. Tapi yang paling menusuk kalbu is this little blue box with white satin ribbon.***sighhhh****..If you could only see the way he loves me, maybe you would understand why I feel this way. Kepada pemberi-pemberi maklumat tak bertauliah...Muakhh!! Thank you...from the very bottom of my heart.'s not the titanium cuff tapi my heart somersaulted just the same. Now I fell like singing the Lakukaracha song...come everybody!!! Let's sing along...!! "Lakukaracha..lakukaracha! Yono porde carmina...porkeno tiyay nay..porke la falta..konsegarokefuma..." Yah!!! lagi sekali!!.

Friday, July 13, 2007

I am the Queen of Vege...

Therefore I do not eat my people.

Friday, July 06, 2007

I am not a plastic bag either

This bag created a lot of confusion and chaos in KLCC today. People has been queueing up since early morning for it. And the shop opens at 10am.
Smart very the environmental friendly. Did you know that plastice is one of the main contributor of kepupusan turtle kat muka bumi ni? Can I have this for my bday instead? How much ekk? Gulpp...In E-bay it went up to USD145. Tak yah la..

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Ole Ole Bandung...

Sampai sampai terus start shopping. Nasib baik rumah Mode opens at 10.30am kalau tidak harus tempat itu dulu yang dituju. After Diaz, we went to Rumah Mode. One thing I like about this place is the landscape. Cewahhh..then why did I spend only 5 minutes to appreciate the landscape and 3 hours inside the outlet? 3 hours later..inilah damagenya.

Hotel bell boy nganga tengok the paper bags. Our guide lagi la...kelu seribu bahasa.
Seperti biasa M*la keluar paling last...and 2 people sent to look for her pun hilang..then came out with more paper bags..M*la still tidak dijumpai, so pasukan penyelamat dihantar lagi masuk untuk mencari. Pasukan penyelamat keluar dengan more paper bags untuk diri sendiri.Ketua darjah had to put a stop to it by going in looking for M*la herself.. Elehhh..dia pun keluar bawak paper bag lagi. Hehehehehe.
Then pegi lunch kat Sangkuriang. Riang riang di Sangkuriang. The food was "pergggghhh"...sedap gila! Sup ikan was out of the world. Sedap punye pasal, lupa ambik gambar.
Malam, makan lagi..rojak kat Cibaduyut. Then sambung shopping kat One Stop Centre& Heritage. Tak sebest Rumah Mode. So esok 1 round lagi before Jakarta.
Next day, 1 round rumah mode & satu round Sangkuriang, we head for Jakarta. 2 jam aje kata Hendry. Memang le 2 jam tapi with the traffic jam (macet) makes it 5 LONG HOURS! Bontot kematu dan jadi kuali leper goreng burger. Claustrophobic brings a new meaning. then we arrived at Mulia Hotel. Waaaaa...makcik rasa macam princess nak pergi ball.The place is so grand. Id* saw Glenn at the lobby. Nasib baik years of training naik business class MAS prepared her for it, kalau tidak she might be tripping over her own foot.
Alamak?! Gambar bilik golap. I'll share our breakfast photo je lah with you.

During our 1 night stay kat situ, 3 wedding reception took place. The grand ballroom was very grand indeed.The night we arrived it was in blue (makcik dan konco konco peek in), the day after it was in beige. This photo was taken during sepasukan florist dok siapkan the place. Cantik amat sampai tangan gigil masa ambik gambar.

We went to Mangga 2 for shopping. Shopping lagiii...Ya la! Why do you think we are here? We bought DVD Grey's Anatomy episode 16 sampai end. Disebabkan yang satu ni terbabit beli Fantastic Four and Transformer. Tapi the sebab kalut sangat, tak perasan yang bukan Transformer yang kitaorang beli, tapi Transmorphers. Boleh? Sorry la Haqq** and A**r. Mama korang blur.
Oh and the Krispy Creme donut....kena mention. Memang sedap gila! I managed to bring mine home sebab at the airport we munched on Ida's. Hehehe...the selfish things that we do.

There's a price to pay for the shopping spree, buying things that we don't need..tapi
...the silliness & laughter that we shared, the lessons that we've learned(bag magic M*la, Roaming *120*), the Coke that I had to drink due to incident kat airport, terbabit dengan laces, the door incident..those were priceless.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pencapaian hari ini

Due to my own ignorance, i had to waste the whole day kat Immigration. 8 to 8.35 am kat Imigresen D'sara and 10.57am to 3pm kat Imigresen Putrajaya. Masa ambik nombor kat PJ, the time printed on the ticket was 10.57am. Dapat nombor 3038 and they were serving 3003. At 11.30 am they were serving number 3005. #$%^&*...wahhhh...I don't even know that my cursing vocab agak wide jugak.
Tapi, at the end of the day I achieved Level 12 main Bubble Bloom. Mahsyuk gila game ni. Kalau rasa macam nak, silalah download di kat Games Unlimited. Tapi jangan kata makcik tak bagi ni tahap ketagihan dia agak melampau. Senang gila...tak pecah kepala tension. Tapi anda haruslah tidak buta warna.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I am thankful

We held a kenduri last Saturday. Kenduri arwah, doa selamat & kesyukuran. Thanks for the ones who turned up. Yang tak tu, it's ok...mesti ada yang lebih penting. There's a lot to be thankful for. Semua sihat selamat, cukup makan pakai, good friends, good food...etc. I believe true friends will stick by you through thick and thin, being silly together, sharing the joy and pain of life, sharing strength, being there without being present. For my friends who are actually my sisters by choice, you know who you are and I am such a blessed person to have you in my life. I am thankful.
On a happpier note, Arif turned 2 the same day.He is getting cheekier day by day. Loves motorbike...his latest passion is his drum set..present from Auntie May. When she asked me what to get him and I said " Anything that annoys us will make him happy"..I did not mean THAT!!!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Double take...

*Sighh*** My heart skipped a beat. After that it did a sommersault.'s a sign I am in trouble. The last time it did that was when I saw my hubby (my then ex boyfriend) at Sheri's wedding. ..Look where it got me now. 3 kids and 7 anniversaries.
You think I should get it? I think I should.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Adopt A Turtle

Adopted a turtle today at Bodyshop KLCC. "It's a collaborative conservation effort between Department of Fisheries Malaysia (DoFM), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), The Body Shop, Media Prima and Aquaria KLCC to rehabilitate the endangered turtles and terrapins"
Named the turtle Pink Cumulonimbus. Hope it's a girl turtle,kalau tidak kesian dia kena kutuk dengan turtle turtle lain.
Pink C will be micro-chipped and released to the sea. The sales girl told me that I can monitor Pink C movement, whether he/ she travelled to Australia ke, Bangladesh ke....Untuk apa aku monitor movement dia , I have no clue but it sounded quite cool eh?
I was hoping to adopt a leatherback turtle, since I have actually seen one kat Terengganu dulu...tapi it's not available for adoption.
Actually I only wanted the tshirt je. I am a sucker for all this statement tshirt...tapi since it's for a good cause..
So congratulate me the next time you see me cause I am now a proud parent of a turtle..Does this means A*ir, A*if & Ak*if have a turtle as their sibling? Errrr???

Friday, May 25, 2007

Till we meet again, baby girl.

Fina's baby girl passed away 3 days ago. A day after Fina's birthday. Post mortem has shown she has blood clot in her head. It became a police case.

Maha berat dugaan yang menimpa.I am still trying to cope with the bad news.Till today, aku masih tak berkesempatan nak melawat Fina. And I don't even call or sms her. I just don't know what to say...

To my friend Fina. I am so sorry. I am so very sorry of your loss. Maha hebat dugaan yang kau tanggung ini. Kesedihan yang aku rasa ni mungkin hanya sezarah berbanding dengan kesedihan kau. Banyakkan berdoa, talk to Him, cry all you want. Don't bottle it up.You have the boys to take care of. If you need us, we are just a call away.

Baby Arisha, you're in the best of place now. No more pain, no one is going to hurt you anymore. I used to envy your mom so much as both of us was hoping for a baby girl. She was lucky to have you. She's even luckier now that you're up in heaven, waiting for her.Please know, you're the best thing that ever happened to her. She must be sad now without you.She'll be thinking of you everyday of her life.Don't worry, we promise to be there for her if she needs anything.If you catch a glimpse of her from up above, give her a will ease her emptiness of losing you.

I know you'll miss your mom too. Don't fret sayang. You will meet her again...di tempat yang lebih indah and nothing will ever seperate you again.You will be holding her hand and pimpin dia ke syurga. I can promise you that for sure. Till then, be a good angel, please let us have you in our hearts forever.Your memories will remind us how short life could be and how precious our love ones are.

I regret that I did not pick you up when I saw you last 2 weeks. I regret that I did not give you a welcome hug and tell you how special you are. I should have tried to get you to smile at me so I can brag to your other aunties. I regret that you'll never get to know Amir, Arif and Akif. Akif would be your comprande. I am pretty sure of that. Everytime I hold Akif in my arms, I thought of how your mom would miss holding you in hers. And it hurts. It hurts so much!I don't even know you that well and I don't even know if I get your name right...but it still hurt as much!

I believe Allah swt has better plans for you. I believe that time will eventually dulls the pain that your parents felt now. You will always be in their heart. I know you'll be in mine. Walaupun kau dipinjamkan hanya seketika, you'll always be part of us.

Till we meet again, baby girl.