Thursday, December 29, 2005

I think I should..

The tenant who is staying at the Shamelin condo is moving out. My agent is looking for a new one. If no one is interested ,I will take it as a sign that I should move in. I will have to give up some luxuries to pay the bank on my own. I can afford the luxuries a sI am staying with my a lot, eh? You think I can do it? a place of my own....sounds nice eh? My dream home is a house with an O shape...or L shape...with a matured garden in the middle. French window...big kitchen with an island...(even though I can't really cook...but who cares, I am no MArtha Stewart). A study room for all my books and craft stuff, a bedroom that will be decorated like a Bali hotel room or something like that. a play room for my kids...If I move in, I will be at Level 5, oveseeing a swimming pool and with KLCC scenery. 3 bedroom with 2 bathroom. One of the bathroom is so small, I had to move my butt out of the way before I close the door...(or is it my butt is the problem here)? A far cry from my L shape dream home. I'll settle for that for now...Boleh lah tu... At least I have a place to call a home...and it''s mine..All mine. for that, I am thankful.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I can feel it forming...the six pack

Another motivational pep talk to myself. I only feel pain actually. Baru masuk hari ke 3. Camna ni? Takpe...teruskan usaha anda.
Today Air Asia's website very the busy dengan orang cari tiket free. Tried last night, to no avail. Then again, I was not trying serious enough as I seriously do not have any destination i mind. Rasa macam nak pegi Bangkok again, rasa macam nak pergi Bali, then ada rasa macam nak pergi Bandung....ok now rasa macam nak minum air Bandung...*Sigghhhh**
Arif dah start putting everything in his mouth. My bag, our remote control..semua dah ada patch air liur dia. This morning he was pulling the daun mempelam into his mouth. Nampak macam kambing la pulak anak aku tu. My kid.
He is also starting to laugh out aload when we make faces at him. Most beautiful music in my ears..
I am thankful, I am a mother.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sit ups..

I've started doing sit ups.. Rasa macam perut dah kempis sikit. heheheheh...that's a lie to make myself feel better. I need motivation . Mana mungkin it's working already as baru buat 2 kali. And only for 30 x per session.
I once joined a gym, same building lagi.. tapi malangnya malas nak work out. Takde gang (alasan) So the gym jadi tempat shower je. I would love to join the women only gym kat Mid Valley tu ...boleh separa naked sikit...(alasan lagi)
Hopefully azam nak buat sit ups dua session sehari, pagi dan malam akan berjaya. Dan 30 x akan menjadi berpuluh puluh kali lagi.
Today, I am thankful I finally started doing the sit ups selepas resolution untuk start aje dah dibuat a few years back. Say a little prayer for me, semoga berjaya.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Lamanya tak update blog ni...malas aaa...and busy macam bee. Anyway, today my last day kerja before cuti raya. Selamat hari raya everibodeeeeeeeee...aku tahun ni tak sempat buat baju raya sebab lambat beli kain. so hanya ada lipstick raya Stila dan tudung raya. Baru jugak tu. Something blue and something new. The tudung I nak kahwin la plak.
Oh ya...also kain raya sebab tak sempat buat baju. Nothing much happen to me sepanjang kehilangan di alam blog. I got a new baby..he's gonna be 5 months next month. Cool eh...This year akan balik Perlis...Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......after 5 years kat Seremban. Actually, I am more excited about going to Hi Tien in Kuala Perlis dari nak actually beraya kat Perlis. After Abah's death, perasaan raya tu macam dah sudden death bersama. I still don't like lagu gives me air liur turn into batu feeling..
Tapi, camnapun, I am thankful for all the things that I have, for all the love ones I can still hug, for all those disgusting cute bubbles my baby buat dengan saliva dia, for my hubby who forever load Touch & Go last minute, for my first born son yang dah kenal huruf and tak berdrama lagi everytime nak pegi Kindy..Ya Allah..I have so much... Thank you. ..Alhamdullillah.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Biru yang berharga RM 134

Bought four paperback romance novel at Times late last week on impulse.I was feeling quite blue due to the silent war that has been going on for a week.Belum start baca the silent war ends....darn it!!!That cost me RM 134! Double darn! And I saw a few books that I know thatI want for my collection...Elizabeth Taylor and her jewelery collection,The Greatest Romance on Earth and a book on the royalties of South EastAsia. Aiyoo..whylah they have to be so expensive! Can claim tax, kan?Can claim from Flexi oso...Yea!!!!! For that , I am thankful! Oh...andthankful that the silent war has end. Penat duduk diam....and orang tengah, My Amir asyik bagi wrong info...Mama said "Amirrr...PanggilYayah makan"...message yang disampaikan "Yayah, Mama kata Yayah nak makan Amir".... Huh???@#$%^&* ( Must be from his side of the family)....I am thankful for that oso....;)

Friday, January 28, 2005

Me on Holiday

Will be taking the whole week off to go for a holiday. Will be in Kangar , Perlis for 2 days...yeaaa....2 nights of Hi Tien kat Kuala Perlis..Then off to Penang. will be staying in Grand Plaza Park Royal...courtesy of my company. Thank you for the RM 1K travel voucher, Big Boss. Whoever came up with the idea is brilliant....naikkan gaji dia!!! I a am so thankful..Hope the travel won't stress my baby...she/ he's gonna be 20 weeks next week...I think? My tummy is going forward...not forward enough for me to put my mug on it yet...but...Oh well...You know...
Looking forward for the long CNY weekend jugak. I have to work that Saturday though. Spoil sport!!!
Ohh...Valentine's is coming too...for anyone who wants an alternative from sending fresh flowers..send balloons instead!! Our website is, go visit our backup at
Till then, doakan kami sekeluarga selamat pergi dan selamat pulang. Adios amigos muchachas. Muakhhh!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Resolusi harian...

Second day of Aidil Adha, I had to go back to work. Sayang nak ambik cuti as HR will deduct 1 day Annual Leave for a half day work Mana aci!
Started the day dengan resolution untuk menjadi wanita berkarier yang independent. So instead of taking the commuter to they city (ala-ala New York gitu..) as usual if I go to work from Seremban, I drove instead. Sempat lagi breakfast alone kat R&R Seremban, something we never did as it’s so dekat dengan KL.
Resolution kedua, nak jadi wanita yang elegant, poise and serene a.k.a tak kalut. Hari ini, saya akan berjalan dengan penuh gaya, takde kawad macam selalu, with my head held high. Take note, head held high not nose, ya..
Resolution kedua berakhir about 1.58pm masa nak keluar parking. There was no attendant kat ticket booth tu, so I kind of gave a gentle honk….very demure gitu.. The honk turned out to be a blast instead…aku sendiri terkejut sampai terpelanting tiket. Imagine me trying to catch the flying thing….and that damn thing has wings, I tell you!!! I even apologize to the attendant later. There goes my poise and serene…welcome back kalut. Takde maknanya resolution kedua nih…
Apa-apapun, I am thankful, my family and friends, even my extended family accept me just the way I am. And I must be quite special sebab my hubby still thinks he’s in love with me after he saw me doing the “Kampung Si Pening Lalat” dance. Don’t know what I am talking about??…go watch “Ahmad Albab”.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Iklan Addict

I love advertisement. Notice how the trend has change now? Dulu iklan macam letih aje...Sekarang ni macam menarik la pulak. It can make you cry, nostalgic atau tersengih macam orang gila...
I started to get addicted to it masa advertisements during Super Bowl. Normally iklan Budweiser is on top of the chart.
Sekarang ni iklan Petronas...but I don't quite fancy the last Raya punye..Yang lekat kat kepala is the "Ikan di laut..asam di darat..." Itu Amir pun hafal. Itu TV3 right?
I terstumble upon the blog of the iklan Petronas creator..
Read her entry on December 22nd.....Mari kita sama-sama tunggu dan lihat...

Till then, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha..

Monday, January 03, 2005

First day at school

My god daughter, Sara is going to school today. Called her up to wish her luck. She said "Thank you and I love you Auntie Shamm". For a second I was stunned because I felt that at that moment I could save the world. I could snatch all the kids away from the Tsunami's wrath. But then again, I would deprive them from being angels waiting for their parents in heaven.****sighhh** Life is so full of difficult choices. I need a hug...I really do need a hug. I think I'll just hug whoever comes in my way after this. I hope it's not will look bad..he's a guy gossip and is too huggable, I can't expand my hand to fit his waist. Then I'll have to be ...what's her name...that Mrs Incredibles ?God, now I am rambling. For the choices I have been given, for the right choices I have chosen and for the wrong choices I have been given the chance to correct it...I am Thankful. "Good luck, Sara...and I love you too.."