Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Penang trip.

Planning to use the RM 1K travelling voucher to go the Penang. Between me and Adik, we have RM 2K to spend. Been surfing for nice hotels that has been recommended by a few friends. Mama said that arwah Abah wanted to bring her to E&O Hotel...So Adik & I plan to stay there for a night. It's gonna be a surprise for her.Nganga kejap tengok the place in the net.Click here to view .Then we are going to stay in Lone Pine pulak click here . Am taking the promotion price for 3 days 2 night stay.
I hope we can make Mama happy and feel cherished. After all, she's the only parent we have now. I force myself not to think about Abah so much as it makes me sad that I did not spend so much time with him to show him how much I love him. Mesti dia bangga gila anak dia bawak dia jalan instead of the other way round. Tak terbalas jasa Abah bawak kami pi Disneyland dulu.He cried when I gave him my very first duit gaji. Sometimes I feel like I am the black sheep of the family, tapi sebenarnya aku la the apple of his eyes. Abah, I miss you..very much...
I have a loving father who loves me very much and in my every prayer I ask Allah to love him as much...for that I am thankful.

It's 7. 14 pm

And I am still the office. Had to request for a bill adjustment of RM 2,451.41 due to wrong contract takover. My Boss is going to freak out. **Urggghh..
Ever felt like packing your bag and leave? ***sighhh*** That's how I felt at the moment. I need to break free. Kak Nab called ajak pegi Jakarta during Christmas. Tempted? Of course!!! RM 49.90 from JB. What the heck..just drive to JB la..Hubby dah green light...dia pun dah speechless, malas nak kata apa..ikut je lar...
What about the trip to Aussie next year. Geezzz...can I afford it ke? Sounds tempting though, pegi dengan clown clown CPRian tu. Ida & Fid dah sure baby sitter bertauliah...hehehehehe..
Learn a new word last week.." pendebungaan"... That came from Norimae, my ex college mate kat ITMT dulu. He was wishing another ex college mate, Zafrul sebab baru kahwin. I thought it was hillarious. Been using it a lot in my e -conversation with Arie and Wawa.
How I wish Arie & Wawa are back together again. They seem to match and mismatched at the same time. Arie the serious chap and Wawa the care fee. They can be funny when they are cranky. And Boy they can be cranky..dah la tengah dok ganti posa. Oppss..that reminds me, I haven't ganti mine. Errkkk...
I am ending this with a thankful note, that I have a family to go home to..that I am not the one who is driving in that trafic jam..sorry Baby...Muakhh...

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Feeling blue...

I am feeling blue.. why do they say that? I think blue is a wonderful colour..Imagine a clear blue sky. Cantik, kan?
My hubby just called asking what is baju melayu mata lalat? Huh?? Telur mata kerbau aku tau la.
Mala called and she is beginning to feel comfortable at her new place.
Sewa 1 booth di Flea market kat BSC is RM 120. **Gulppp***Compared to the one in Ampang baru RM 20.
Sighhh*** I have nothing in particular to talk's all about nothing and everything. People got Monday blues while I get everyday blues...
Nak makan tapi macam takde perasaan..tapi lapar...
More complain about the new service launched. But these mangkuks tak ikut instruction. Rasa macam nak rejam diaorang dalam toilet bowl and just flush them away. wonder where they will timbul.??Hmm...something to ponder.. being the cranky me, I am thankful that I am here.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Dagang Pak Malau

Kajang Pak Malau kajang berlipat
Kajang hamba mengkuang layu
Dagang Pak Malau dagang bertempat
Dagang hamba menumpang lalu...

Herney pecah kepala trying to figure out the pembayang. Duhh....tak reti-reti lagi search kat Internet. Pantun Melayu pun ada la dalam situ.

Hai la Pak Malau, sayu la pulak pantun ni...tapi buat aku rasa macam nak makan sate..isshhh...masalah betul la word association ni...Adik, Ida...aku akan tau if you read this blog sebab you're gonna call me for Sate Zaini kat Ampang Jaya tu. I order you to!! On me...
I am thankful I have friends and enough funds to belanja them....

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Merdeka weekend update

29th August 2004
Jawa kahwin. Alamak lupa nak bawa baju kurong for it. Dushh...had to wear that yellow kaler yang berkain terbelah..haven't worn it for ages.Terpaksa la jalan macam baru lepas beranak sebab nak menjaga tata susila.
Sent SMS to Ida PD, sampai kat Ida Maluri instead. I am such a doink these days.
30th August 2004
Lupa nak bawak shirt for work. Another dushh..
Took the commuter from Seremban to work. Try not to tertidur tapi tewas juga, sedar-sedar ada kesan lipstick kat tangan..hopefully I did not embarrass myself, but what the heck, half of the gerabak is sleeping. I don't think they care.
Sampai office realize I left my security tag & name tag pulak..**sighhh***
31st August 2004
Selamat Hari Merdeka. Back to KL. Tertinggal susu Amir pulak. Mannnn..what's wrong with me!!!
1st September 2004
Adik meracun untuk ke Cherating. I am so tempted!!
Thankful for I am only human and selalu kalut..nobody expect me to be perfect..